Sensory Processing

Vestibular System 101

The vestibular system is next up on sensory system series.  This sensory system helps us with knowing orientation in space and balance. It is responsible for helping to guide our head position in relation to gravity. It serves as an internal “GPS” for our body. This sensory system is located inside the inner ear and is the third of the three systems used to treat sensory processing disorder.

Dysfunction in this system can appear as difficulty with having feet off the ground, being tipped backward, needing to move constantly or avoiding movement, spinning or avoiding spinning, not enjoying imposed movement on body, fear of heights, and motion sickness.

Simple Activities to Strengthen this System:

1. Swinging with feet supported for sensory avoider and swinging for sensory seeker 

2. Rocking motions while on yoga ball or in laundry basket 

3. Swinging in blanket or rolling activities 

4.Ring around the rosy or use of sit n spin make sure it is child directed 

5. Use of scooter board 

6. Climbing playground equipment 

7. Hanging upside down off playground equipment, bed, or couch 

8. Rocking on rocking horse

It is very important to allow child to lead in these types of movements. As a trained professional I am able to read non verbal cues to help a child move through these challenges and if your child has significant challenges in this area please contact an occupational therapist in your area that is trained in sensory integration that can create a personalized plan for your child. Please feel free to download the freebie for this system here