Sensory Processing

The Interoception System 101

Our last and final system in this series! The interoception system. This system is responsible for the awareness of internal organs. The interoceptors are located throughout the organs, muscles, and skin. This system is responsible for sending signals of hunger, thirst, toileting needs, itch, and pain.

Dysfunction in this system can effect understanding of hunger,not feeling hungry, or not understanding when full, difficulty controlling and understanding emotions, difficulty understanding signs of bathroom needs, not understanding feelings of pain or discomfort. Many times kids with sensory differences will eat large quantities of food for their age as they dont have a good connection with their satiety feelings.  Many also don’t feel when they have hurt themselves or can’t register it which also may be partially related to their proprioceptive system as well as the interoceptive system.

Simple Activites to Strengthen this System:

1. Mindfullness activities – describing how it feels to be happy or sad. Labeling emotions with feelings and using a mirror to help a child see their own face when dealing with diffirent emotions.

2. Modeling and narrating how you feel when you are hungry- what is happening inside your body- rumbling tummy, hunger pangs, how you feel when your stomach or bladder are full.

3, Yoga and breathing exercises to tighten and release muscles and breath.

4. Hot and cold temperature play activities- use ice, cold water, warm water, warmed up towels or heating pad.

All of the above activities can help increase internal awareness of your child’s interoceptive system. Click here to snag your free guide to the interoceptive system. If you have collected all the freebies you have a complete guide to the whole sensory system! Enjoy