• Parenting Tips

    Top 4 Sleep- Saving Tips for Moms

    Have you ever wished you could wave a magic wand and viola-magically your child becomes a great sleeper? Do you often wonder why some kids are great sleepers and others pull all nighters regularly?  I know this is a topic that so many parents struggle with and I would love to share some helpful ideas to help create a great sleeper out of your child.  If you are struggling to get your child to fall asleep or stay asleep I can help you. Over the years I have worked with hundreds of families on sleep training and have learned that there are some common things that you may not realize…

  • Parenting Tips

    How A Schedule Supports Social Emotional Growth

    Question: Does it really matter if I have my child on a schedule?   Answer: YES!  I am often asked this question by my client’s families. My answer is always yes. It doesn’t matter if you are a stay at home mom, a work from home mom,  have flexibility in your schedule, or don’t keep a schedule for yourself.  I cannot express this loudly enough- Kids need schedules. In fact it is human nature to thrive on routines. When there is more predictability in the daily routines, the child is more relaxed and able to be more aware of their environment and curious to learn. Think about your own life, when…

  • Motor Development

    Could That Bouncy Seat Be Doing More Harm Than Good? 

    What do most busy moms needing to get a few things done and still make sure the baby is safe do?  They put the baby in the bouncy seat, the Bumbo, or the walker, right? These devices are meant to keep the baby safe after all, right?        Could that bouncy seat or exersaucer actually be harming your child? The short answer is, yes! These “tools” can be doing more harm than good. So how do you manage to get things done and make sure your baby is safe and developing properly? I have a few tips to help you accomplish everything you need to, but also provide…

  • Parenting Tips

    Helpful Tips Before You Start Potty Training!

    Read this before you Potty Train! Oh no! Did somebody say potty training??? When the subject is brought up with my clients, I am often greeted with painful looks on parents’ faces and expressions of dread! So many parents think of the task of potty training as one that will be very challenging and will probably take forever.  Well fear not! I am here to tell you that while you can’t control how long it will take for your child to be trained, there are many things that you can do to move things along in the right direction and to be completely prepared for the actual task of potty…