About Me

Nice to Meet You!

Welcome to my Website! My name is Minal Duberry. I am a believer in Empowering People! I am a mom to two amazing teenage sons, a wife to my college sweetheart, a pediatric occupational therapist, a serial entrepreneur, and a personal development junkie. I am so excited to have you join me in this space! I wanted to take this time to tell you more about who I am, what I believe in, and why I am so passionate about helping parents!

I have been blessed to have had an amazing career as a pediatric occupational therapist for 26 years and have learned so much over that time. I have learned from colleagues, courses, books, and most of all, from the parents and children that I have the privilege to work with every day. 

My vision for LEARN TEACH GROW is to help empower you to tap into the best version of yourself through self discovery, leaning into your inner voice, and learning new and simple ways you can support your child’s development so that you can teach them and you both can grow together.

I have specialized in birth to three for the last 12 years, but have worked with children of all ages through 21 years old in homes, schools, hospitals, and outpatient clinics. I love the sense of hope that working with children brings. When I see children that may have special needs or are learning or moving differently than their peers, I see hope. I admire how children are resilient and innovative in how to accomplish something they have in their mind. If they want something bad enough, they will figure out how to get it! Children don’t feel sorry for themselves because they don’t move or think like others — they just figure out how to get to their goal. I find that so refreshing because I believe it is a skill we as adults have to reteach ourselves. Working with the parents of these children has allowed me the opportunity to teach them how to help their children learn and thereby empowering the parents to provide their children with creative learning opportunities that support the child’s needs. So many times I come into a family’s life and it breaks my heart to see how much the mother is questioning her own abilities, second guessing her inner voice, and often expressing how she feels lost as to how to help her child. I have always felt my role has been to guide the parents back to learning to trust their inner voice. I feel extremely honored to have a small role in creating a stronger bond of understanding between parent and child. 

I am also extremely passionate about personal development. About thirteen years into my career, while I enjoyed being a therapist, I also knew there was something missing for me. In searching for that something, I started off as a business as a consultant for a health and wellness company. This changed everything for me! It not only gave me a new sense of purpose in helping people get healthier, it introduced me to the world of personal development and I became obsessed! It ignites me, fires me up, and has completely changed who I am as a person. I am better in all aspects of my life and I continue to work on growing myself on a daily basis.I dove in and learned more about myself than I could have ever imagined and I am so passionate about helping others do the same. I feel that as mothers, we put the needs of everyone and everything above all else and many times that means we lose ourselves in the process. How often can you name all the positive attributes about your best friend, spouse, or parent, but would be hard pressed to really know those things about yourself? Personal development helped me reconnect with this part of me and I truly hope I can impart some wisdom to help you do the same. I believe empowered, confident mothers create empowered, confident children. I believe digging in deep and taking time for yourself on a daily basis to learn and connect with yourself is essential to feeling self love and confidence. 

During the pandemic it became painfully clear to me that more parents need support. People were drowning in how to manage working from home and engaging with their children.  All parents need support, not just my families of children with special needs and I simply couldn’t see them all. While there is so much information out there already, it is difficult to weed through and to know whom to trust. This is where the idea of Learn, Teach, Grow with Minal came from. If I could teach busy mom’s how to create simple fun activities that are educational and will support your child’s development, I would know that I could make an impact on a greater level. Have you ever perused blog posts or Pinterest pins with anxiety, overwhelm, or desire to do the activities but felt overwhelmed at where to start? I am here to help. I believe my unique knowledge of child development coupled with many years of cultivating strategies to bring out a child’s abilities can be useful to so many moms out there. I will help you make things easier, simpler, and more doable! I also hope to impart some of the knowledge I have gained through my studying of personal development to help you grow as a person also. 

It was not so long ago I remember feeling overwhelmed! I remember what it was like when my sons, who are now teenagers, were young and I felt I had only a little bit of time, but a lot of guilt! I wanted to spend meaningful time with my children and teach them, just like I was with my therapy families. I know that I am not the only one who feels or felt like this. As moms, we want to make meaningful connections with our children in whatever moments we have. I hope that what I have to teach you can help you so you can learn it, teach it, and help your child grow! I look forward to being on this journey together! 

Thank you for being on this journey with me!

