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    Sensory Processing

    Proprioceptive System 101

    Proprioceptive System 101 Thisi s a reader supported site and as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. The proprioceptive system is a vital part of sensory modulation. This sensory system is responsible for providing information of body awareness by providing position, orientation, and location of muscles, joints, and body parts. It is also responsible for giving feedback on how much effort is being used by the muscles. This is the second of the three systems focused on in sensory processing dysfunction treatment. Dysfunction can appear as difficulty with body awareness, grading of pressure or force needed to complete tasks, crashing or banging into furniture or people, not having…

  • Sensory Processing

    Sensory Systems 101

    Sensory Systems 101 Did you know there were actually 8 sensory systems??? I know what you are thinking!! Wait- I only learned 5 in school! The 8 sensory systems are: Visual: is responsible for taking in visual stimulation sensed and processed by the eyes and brain.  Auditory: is responsible for hearing, interpreting and processing sound, locating sound, and filtering sound. Gustatory: is responsible for our sense of taste. Olfactory: is responsible for our sense of smell, such as filtering smell, alerting us to dangerous smells also. Tactile: is responsible for our sense of touch, which includes our sense of pain and pressure Proprioceptive: is responsible for providing information of body awareness…